In the Clouds

In the Clouds
Salinas, Puerto Rico

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Art of Decision

Ring ring ... ring ring ... ring ring ...
“Hi, can I help you?”
“Jim?” with a worried and tearful voice.
“Yes, I am”
“Sorry man, your brother passed away…”
Me in Kindergarden
It was a sunny day. Flying birds, the flowers blooming, the rooster crowing. In others words, the spring was beginning. Everything was perfect but something was left. Yes, my birth. I was born in a small island that my people name it the “Isla del Encanto”. I was the third son of four (almost, the smallest one). My big sister, the princess, my big brother, the reserved, and my little bro’, the baby of the house. Despite our age difference we got along very well.
My childhood is filled with many memories. My dad the big Jim had an obsession with me to have long hair. I do not blame him, honestly seeing my pictures it look great. But in my birthday number four, the clown hired for that day, so he had the great idea to carry me. When he lifted me, he said, "that is a cute little girl." Since that day, my father does not let me go back to long hair. I grow up in a good neighborhood. We spent all day running bicycle, playing basketball, doing some pranks and playing a game that we name it “pillo y policía” (Thief and policeman). There is no doubt that my childhood was extremely good.
My adolescence was a big step for me. Many changes came suddenly. I got my first car, my first girlfriend, and my first parties. In other words, many new things came to me. Nevertheless, I was very focused on what I wanted in the future. My family was always supporting me in every decision I took. But one day I received the call… My perfect world, all that was built during this time, was destroyed. News like that, take us by surprise and make us fall into the reality we live. That day, all my family was completely devastated, especially my mother. They were times of great sadness. It is difficult but in that moment of my life I have to make a decision. Stay in a state of sadness or continue to build my future. I decide to use that, as a step, to strength my soul and continue with my future goals. 
The next year I was accepted in the college. New beginnings, new friends and new experiences to come. My future was being written. The race to be a doctor just begins.Through college, and I learned that life is about choices. All depends on you. You want to make bad decisions? Take them, the important it is to learn from them. Right now my focus is to finish my studies. Could get a person who can spend the rest of my life and start a family. I want to be support for many people in need. I want to be an example for my little bro’. I want to fulfill my purpose in the life. My life just begins, it all depends on me.


  1. Hope to keep having the same charismatic as you when the going get's hard in the long journey that's ahed.

  2. Upon reading this, I have to say, you're very very amazing Jim. Not everyone has had a journey like yours. I hope to be as focused as you on my own personal journey. Thank you for sharing this

  3. I hope that you keep having that enthusiasm. Thank you for sharing this post.
